What is a UFO?
Do you believe in them?
Is there any instances that your countryb encountered an Issue or cases regarding UFO's?
A UFO is technically an "unidentified flying object," nothing more nor less.
* Any object that flies and cannot initially be identified as an airplane, helicopter, blimp, balloon, kite, or any other object that normally flies, is a UFO. Many flying objects that are listed as a UFO can later be identified as an object made on Earth, then they can be called an "IFO," or identified flying object.
Links of UFO Photos and Cases :
Myth: Very few people have really seen a UFO...
Fact: According to a Roper poll conducted for the SciFi channel, one in seven Americans say they or someone they know has had an experience involving a UFO... A total of 14 percent have had or know someone who has had at least one Close Encounter of the "First," "Second," or "Third" kind. The largest proportion (12 percent) say they or someone else they know has seen a UFO at close quarters.
Source: Poll from - Coalition for Freedom of Information - See more at:
Fact: There have been many cases of pilot sightings ever since the 1940s and they continue through today.
Some of the most convincing UFO reports were produced in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s by airline pilots, military pilots and ex-military pilots but even today there are startling sightings by pilots. These men had the training and the experience to be able to distinguish between normal sky sights and highly abnormal sights. They knew what airplanes looked like, and what meteors looked like, having seen them many times. Their visual observations were frequently supported by radar data which showed essentially the same thing. They were therefore able, on many occasions, to methodically eliminate conventional phenomena from consideration when trying to identify UFOs.
In those same decades, most UFO sightings were made in the daytime and frequently at close range, when shapes and surface features could be distinguished, thus making positive identification of normal sights easier and the descriptions of unusual sights more detailed. When all normal explanations had been eliminated, the witnesses could concentrate on those aspects of the experience which were most abnormal.
These abnormal aspects included the shapes of UFOs and their behavior. Most of the UFOs seen in the daytime were said to have had simple geometric shapes--discs, ovals, spheres, cylinders--and surfaces that looked like metal. Such shapes are not only nonexistent among known aircraft, but contrary to all known theories of flight, in most cases offering control and performance disadvantages rather than advantages.
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